Enjoy maximum care, minimum worry with MyMaxicare,
a full HMO program for Individuals and Families

Enjoy maximum care, minimum worry with MyMaxicare, a full HMO program for Individuals and Families

Full coverage
Gain access to inpatient, outpatient, preventive and emergency care in Maxicare’s wide network of hospitals and clinics nationwide

Relaxing healthcare experience
Access member-exclusive Maxicare Primary Care Clinics and Maxicare Wings for inpatient confinement nationwide

Additional benefits
24/7 Telemedicine Teleconsult Voice Call, discounts with Maxicare Lifestyle Partners and therapy for select cases
Plan Types
Inpatient care
- Room and board accommodation
- Use of Operating Room, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Isolation Room and Recovery Room
- Professional fees of attending physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologist and Cardio-pulmonary Specialist (for clearance before surgery and cardiac monitoring during surgery)
- Standard nursing services
- Medicines for inpatient care
- Blood product transfusions and intravenous (IV) fluids
- X-ray, laboratory examinations, diagnostic tests and therapeutic procedures incidental to confinement
- Dressings, conventional casts (plaster of Paris) and sutures
Outpatient care
- X-ray, laboratory examinations, routine, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
- Consultations
- Treatment of minor injuries
- Minor surgery not requiring confinement
- Eye laser therapy for retinal tear / hole / detachment and glaucoma
- Cauterization of warts
- Sclerotherapy (for varicose veins)
- Speech therapy (For stroke patients only)
- Allergy testing
- Tuberculin test
Preventive care
Passive and active vaccines for treatment of tetanus and animal bites
Emergency care
Any life-threatening or unexpected onset of a condition or illness, which requires the immediate alleviation of pain or discomfort within 24 hours including confinement in a regular private room.
Affiliated Hospital
- Doctor’s services
- Consultations
- Emergency room fees
- Medicines used for immediate relief and during treatment
- Oxygen, intravenous (IV) fluids and blood products
- Dressings, conventional casts (plaster of Paris) and sutures
- X-rays, laboratory, diagnostic examinations and other medical services related to the emergency treatment of the patient
Non-Affiliated Hospital
Within the Philippines
- Reimbursement up to 80% of the actual hospital bills and 80% of the Professional fees (based on Maxicare rates) incurred during the first twenty-four (24) hours of treatment up to ₱30,000.00 / availment / member.
Areas without accredited hospitals within the Philippines
- Reimbursement of 100% of the total hospital bills and Professional fees (based on Maxicare rates)
Outside the Philippines
- Maxicare shall reimburse 100% actual costs up to ₱30,000.00 / availment / member
Ambulance Service up to ₱2,500.00 per conduction
Additional benefits
- Life coverage with Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Scoliosis treatment
- Congenital illness
- Consultations for Chronic Dermatoses up to Benefit Limit
- Transurethral Microwave Therapy of Prostate
Annual Check-Up (ACU) - Available to all plan types
Clinic-based Annual Check-Up, consist of five (5) basic routines:
- History and physical exam
- CBC (Complete Blood Count)
- Routine Urinalysis
- Routine Fecalysis
- Chest x-ray (PA and lateral)
Dental care (optional)
- Annual Oral / Dental Examination and Consultation
- Emergency Dental Treatment
- Annual Oral Prophylaxis
- Simple Tooth Extractions
- Restorative and Prosthodontic Treatment Planning
- Permanent fillings
- Unlimited temporary fillings, as needed
- Desensitization of hypersensitive teeth twice a year
- Simple adjustment of dentures
- Recementation of loose crowns, inlays or onlays
- Dental nutrition and Dietary counseling
- Dental Health Education
Maxicare’s international assist program
- 24-hour Telephone Medical Advice
- Emergency Medical Evacuation
- Emergency Medical Repatrition
- Repatrition of Mortal Remains
This is in partnership with Assist America. Visit their website www.assistamerica.com for more information
Dreaded disease / condition
This corresponds to any condition that is considered to be chronic, progressive, life-threatening and which may entail lifelong therapy. This also refers to conditions where complete cure cannot be ensured.